To Be A Leader You Must Learn How To Acknowledge

To be a leader where people want to support you over and above your position there are several things you must do.  Being a good leader will have a positive impact on you whether you own your own business, are an executive or the head of a household.

In reality when it comes to leadership all business is small business.  And being a leader is nothing more than influence.  You start by influencing a few people.  These people can go out and get others to believe in your leadership and to follow you.  Eventually, your influence can be felt by many. 

How do you go about being a good leader?  One of the first things you must do is learn how to acknowledge others.  Acknowledgement is about paying value to others.  Think about it.  If you pay value to others it is much easier for them to pay value to you and for you to lead. 

What makes acknowledgement important?  Acknowledgement is heart to heart communication.  It is appreciation for what others have done or how they have done it, or both.  It is about telling someone that you appreciate “who” they are. 

In order to lead effectively you must touch people at their core.  One of the saddest occurrences in small business, big business, politics or life is to see someone who has been bestowed a position of leadership and people will only follow based on the dictates of the position. 

They will not do anything over and above to make things better or smoother.  In an organization it can make a work day similar to walking through mud.  In fact, more often than not processes slow down and things run less efficiently. 

What has happened?  When there is no acknowledgement or appreciation by the leader for those who have to follow him or her it makes it more difficult to have a good attitude. 

Yes, our attitude is our own.  And, it is our responsibility.  Yet, when you have a leader who fails to acknowledge others and who fails to encourage then motivation and production will diminish over time. 

To be a great leader first you must acknowledge the value of others.  You must encourage others.  Your followers must like your logic, but more importantly, your heart.  A great leader will influence the mind and the heart. 


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