Tried and False-Seth Godin And Some Additional Thoughts

The tried and true is beyond reproach. It’s been tried, and of course, it’s true.

True because it worked. In times of change, though, most of the tried is in fact, false.
False because what used to work, doesn’t, at least not any longer.

Sure, it might be what you’ve always done. But that doesn’t make it true, or right, or best. It just means that you already tried it.
The nature of revolutions is that they destroy the perfect and enable the impossible.

Seeking out the tried and true is the wrong direction for crazy times.

Some Thoughts:

The vinyl record was tried and true. The corded telephone was tried and true. The 8 track player was tried and true. The VHS cassette was tried and true. They are now tried and false. Now you can use your cell phone or tablet computer to do all of these things. You can listen to music. You can talk on it. And you can watch movies.

Tried and true does become tried and false. The companies who staked their business model on these things never changing are no longer around. The pace of change in our world is incredibly fast. As humans we have had more change in the last 50 years than since the dawn of man.

Here’s the take away. Change is inevitable. Growth is optional. This used to be a tried and true statement. In some manner it still is. But, if you decide growth is optional business and life will pass you by leaving you with a sense of emptiness and frustration. Then this statement becomes tried and false.

Here is the new tried and true. Embrace change and you will experience growth and a greater satisfaction and fullness in business and life because you will remain relevant in a fast changing world. Becoming irrelevant is being unhappy. That is a tried and true statement. And that will never change.

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