Twilight Zone Is A Key to Success

You may ask, “How is the twilight zone a key to success?” It’s a good question and I will do my best to give some insights into the answer.

You can learn a lot during the holiday season, including finding out your individual keys to success in business and life. The majority of people go through a pre-determined, or semi-pre-determined routines in their lives and this is especially true during the holidays. And as we enter the Holidays and start transitioning into the New Year we enter a time where we reflect on the past year, the present and what we want to have in the year ahead. This time is the twilight zone. As 2013 comes to an end and its light starts to fade we will ponder what has happened and plan for 2014..

The twilight zone, the end of the year time, is easy to understand. It is a part of the natural rhythm of business and life. For some business is excellent. For others it slows down. For some it remains the same. Yet for all of us, regardless of business or life circumstances the twilight zone foretells the curtain of our latest act in life coming down only to be greeted after some darkness with the light coming up and a new curtain rising

As a business owner I encourage you to take advantage of the twilight zone and to step back and think about your situation. As this year ends, and the next begins, it is the ideal time to evaluate yourself, your business and where you presently are. Topics to evaluate over the past year include what occurred and what was forecasted to happen. As the New Year approaches you will have the time to see what worked and see what has not.

Regardless of your career choice and position, enjoying and learning from the twilight zone, whether you are a solo professional, self-employed business owner, an individual, entrepreneur, employed or between jobs, is to grab as much knowledge as you can and utilize it to create a better future in 2014.

Using this time wisely is one of the best of the keys to success. Looking back for the last 12 months, ask yourself what did I set out to do? What did I accomplish? And what do I need to change and will change to improve my future?

When in the twilight zone, the final and most important question to ask yourself is how do you want the rest of your life to look? If for years your business has been your life and your life is your business then something is wrong. The last time I checked, business is just a part of life. Not having a clearly defined outlook on a good and satisfying life makes attaining it much harder. If you want your business to experience small business growth or you want a more fulfilling personal life, without an idea of it, it’s that much harder to accomplish.

And here’s the good news. Business and life is not an “either/or” proposition. It is when visualized correctly, a “both/and” proposition.

Savor your experience in the twilight zone as each year winds down. the keys to success for one’s life. It enables you to reflect and determine ones future. And this time, when used to reflect and evaluate is one of the keys to success.

Your experience in the twilight zone enables you to be renewed, recharged and get a different perspective on things. It is the perfect opportunity to lay out success planning for your professional and personal life.

The twilight zone provides you with the best opportunity to change your future business and life for the best. It is a time for clarity that comes from having time to think and reflect.

There are many keys to success, but modifying how your thinking works will have the greatest impact. Doing this has a positive and wave-like impact upon your business and personal experiences.

When you modify your thinking, your habits will be forever modified.

After your habits and re-molded, your activity will be different.

After your activity is modified, you will experience different results.

When you are able to modify your results, your life will become better and better.

At this time of year, stop to enjoy the twilight zone. Step back, take a few moments and see where you are. Modify your thinking patterns, and then your life will be different, not to mention, better.

Utilize your key to success, the twilight zone, to improve your business and personal life in the coming year. Wishing all of you the best now and in the New Year!

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