Vacation: Is It One Of Your Disciplines?

Vacation-Sunglasses On Beach

Vacation: Have The Courage To Change Your Routine

When I am with clients as a business performance coach one of the things I want them to do is take a vacation.  Although most people would think it is a simple decision to take a vacation, it is not that easy for the self-employed business owner, entrepreneur or solo professional.  And for my clients with larger companies, at times, because of corporate demands taking a vacation can be a challenge. 

Vacation Is A Discipline 

A discipline is the bridge between a thought and an action.  You think about many things.  Many self-employed business owners think about vacation but never take one.  What is holding them back? 

Yes, there can be many things and I understand that.  But, in many instances taking a vacation is about overcoming a challenge in their thinking. 

The first challenge is; do they have the discipline to break their routine?  They can have the thought about a vacation.  The question is:  Are they going to create the discipline to make it a reality? 

Business performance coaching is about taking care of the most important asset, you.  That takes discipline.  If you understand the value of vacation you will put the things in place, the disciplines, to make it happen.

Vacation Is About Courage 

Taking a vacation takes courage.  It is challenging you to step away from your normal routine.  Running a small business is a huge challenge.  It takes courage to trust others to handle your business while you are gone.  Have the courage to take care of yourself.  Take a vacation.   

This last one, taking care of yourself, can be the most frightening.  As a small business coach, I find that one of the biggest challenges for the business owner is that he or she, in running a small business has forgotten how to play.  With the right approach, small business success can be about playing your way to success.

If you have lost your vision of what is or can be fun, you will shy away from vacation.  I cannot emphasize how important it is to know how to have fun.  Knowing how to have fun or rediscovering it on vacation will have a positive influence in your business and your life. 

Take a vacation.  Have the courage to face yourself and discover what is fun and what will renew you.  To start create a vision of what you would like your vacation to look like.  This is the courageous first step.

Vacation Is About Self-Care 

When you are starting up your own business all your time and energy are focused on the business.  As part of personal development coaching I encourage the owner to schedule a vacation as he or she is starting the business. 

Initially there is a great deal of resistance.  But, the self-employed owner is usually the most important asset in the business.  True self-care which brings happiness to the owner, his employees and clients cannot be achieved without a healthy perspective. 

It is difficult to have a happy and healthy perspective when you feel that you are in bondage to the very thing you have created that is supposed to give you greater freedom and abundance. 

Practice self-care and take a vacation.  Clarity can only be achieved when we walk away from our daily routines and being in the middle of the action.  Vacation brings clarity because you have time to reflect and evaluate, instead of react, to what is going on in your business and life. 

And, when you come back from vacation your priorities will be in place. Vacation is good!  Take you and your business to the next level by making taking a vacation one of your disciplines.

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