We can dodge our responsibilities but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities

We can dodge our responsibilities but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities. To be a good leader whether it is in your own personal life or in an organization you must embrace responsibility.

It is interesting that good leaders never embrace a victim mentality. They recognize that who and where they are remain their responsibility—not that of their parents, their spouses, their children, the government, their bosses or their co-workers. They are inner directed, not outer directed. They face whatever the challenges are that life throws at them and give their best, knowing that they will get an opportunity to lead the team only if they proved they can carry the ball.

Gilbert Arland has a quotation that gives a good perspective on what it takes to be a leader. “When an archer misses the mark he turns and looks for the fault within himself. Failure to hit the bull’s-eye is never the fault of the target. To improve your aim, improve yourself.”

Are you on target when it comes to responsibility? Do others see you as a finisher? Do people look to you to carry the ball in pressure situations? Are you known for excellence? If you haven’t been performing at the highest level, you may have been dodging your responsibilities. The consequences for you and those around you will keep the team from functioning at optimal efficiency and effectiveness. To get started on the right track now begin by cultivating a stronger sense of responsibility.

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