What are you doing about the weeds in your garden?

“When weeds come up in your garden, it does no good to say, ‘There are no weeds, there are no weeds, there are no weeds…’ It doesn’t help to pretend they’re not there. It doesn’t matter how much you focus on the beautiful plants that are growing. The weeds aren’t going to disappear until you get on your hands and knees and pull them out. – In your own life, you can’t just ‘focus on the positive, focus on the positive, focus on the positive’, and expect your problems to go away. If there are some weeds, you have to deal with them.”Nick Ortner

What’s the solution? Notice that a positive focus or positive wishing isn’t the answer. Positive focus or positive wishing is the start of the answer. Positive thinking is one step beyond positive focus and positive wishing for it says I must do something about the weeds. And the bridge between positive thinking and its accomplishment is action. You must develop the discipline of action to get rid of the weeds.

Many years ago there was a survey done of thousands of people. The survey wanted to find out what percentage of people were positive thinkers. Interestingly, almost everyone said they were a positive thinker. Yet, when you got into the details of the survey and dug down it turned out that ninety percent of the people were in truth, positive wishers. Positive wishing is the formula for, “not much is happening around here.”

Only ten percent of the people were positive thinkers. Why? They were the only ones who took their positive thinking, and had the discipline to build a bridge of action to make a focused effort to turn their positive thinking into reality. Develop the discipline of “doing” and you will be pleased with the results of your positive thinking.

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