What are you focused on

What are you focused on? I may irritate some people with what I am about to say. I have a friend and she is deathly afraid of germs. She does everything to be healthy yet she has more incidence of sickness than most people I know.

She is always afraid of getting sick. Several years ago, when in her mid-fifties she had a traumatic experience and went to see a psychologist. One of the things that came out of her time with the psychologist was that her focus on getting sick and doing everything just right for her health was creating an abundance of worry that was impacting negatively her relationships, her business and her life.

He encouraged her to focus on health. This was difficult to do after focusing for years on sickness. Yet amazing things started happening over time. She had always worked out. But she now incorporated into her routine what I call cheeseburger and beer therapy. After years of being fearful of any meat and alcohol, she now on occasion would have a cheeseburger and beer, something she had enjoyed in her twenties. Interestingly, over time her health improved and outside of the occasional cold or allergy the sickness that was part of her life is gone.

Our mental health is the most important component to our physical and emotional well being. It is too easy to think we are on a good course with our behavior, yet we are drifting off course and bringing more of what we don’t want into our lives because of the wrong mental focus. Check yourself. What are you focused on? If you have areas where it is negativity and scarcity see if you can start focusing on the positive and abundance. You will love the positive effect that it will have in your relationships, your business and your life, not to mention your health.

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