What Is Your Life About?

Make your life about growth. The poet Longfellow was asked the secret of his continued interest in life. Pointing to a nearby apple tree, Longfellow said, “The purpose of that apple tree is to grow a little new wood each year. That is what I plan to do.”

Are you planning to grow? The apple tree does not have a choice. If we asked it how tall it would grow it would respond, “As tall as I possibly can.” Yet, we as human beings have been given the dignity of choice. We can choose to be all or we can choose to be less. Why not strive to achieve the maximum and see what all we can be?

Longfellow sums up the philosophy which can lead to a rich life. It is your responsibility to act for growth. “Not enjoyment and not in sorrow, is our destined end or way; But to act that each tomorrow, Find us further than today.”–Longfellow

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