What Seeds Are You Planting For Small Business Success?

When it comes to small business success, Jim Rohn once said this about opportunity for business success.

“Opportunity doesn’t say bring me your need. It says bring me your seed.”

Opportunity is like the soil.  The soil is like your target market.  Your target market is waiting for you to plant the right seeds in it.

The same thought is true for the soil.  It is waiting for you to plant seeds in it.  The soil doesn’t care what you plant. You can plant seeds of poisonous plants and you will have an area of poisonous plants.

Or you can plant for grass, crops, flowers.  You see, the soil doesn’t care.

When it comes to your business and your life, what seeds are you planting in the soil of opportunity?

Do you want more in your business and life?  Then start planting good seeds in your soil of opportunity.

How do you get those good seeds?  It is through your character.  Good character allows you to plant good seeds. Character was once described as who you are when no one is looking.

What are you doing to develop better character?

Continuous personal development is critical to building better character and your success.

Whether you want greater small business growth, better relationships, a larger bank account or more time to do things you enjoy, it all starts with the seeds you plant which are determined by your character.

After all, your business, lifestyle, income and quality of life will seldom exceed your personal development.

To have the business and life you desire there are two things you must do.

  1. Cultivate and improve the soil of your opportunity by keeping out the weeds and pests.
  2. Develop your character to provide the best seed possible to the soil.

Do these two things and watch your life and your business grow.

What are your thoughts on opportunity and success?

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