Where have you pitched your tent today

Where have you pitched your tent today? In other words, what are you expecting to happen in your life this year? What kind of attitude do you have? If your thoughts are stuck and you’re focusing on what’s wrong or what’s not working, then it’s time to dig up your tent stakes! It’s time to pack up your belongings and move out of the land of discouragement. (Continued in next post)

Continued from previous post….It’s time to move out of the “Not-going-to-happen” subdivision and move out of “Can’t-do-it-ville.” It’s time to pack your bags and move into the land of hope, faith and expectation! Every time you catch a negative thought and choose not to dwell on the positive, it’s like you are packing your bags to go back to “Not-going-to-happen” subdivision. Stay positive and live in a better place.

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